
Movie Ratings

Movies I saw last week:

Prince of Persia
Story: Entertaining
Characters: Inconsistent, but funny
Humor: Cheesy
Jake Gyllenhaal: Attractive
Overall: B+

The Glass Bottom Boat
Clothing: Hilarious
Male Attitudes: No, Thank You
Futuristic Appliances: Scary
Animals: Cute
Overall: A-

The Postman Always Rings Twice
Moral: Murder is Bad
Cat: Dead as a Doornail
Acting: Dramatic
Story: Predictable
Overall: B-

The Thin Man
Marital Relationship: Enviable
Clothing: Fabulous(ly entertaining)
Humor: Witty
Characters: Strong
Overall: A

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

I may have to watch some of those movies. Probably not Prince of Persia...but the others seem interesting. :)