

Sometimes, you think someone is your friend when they're really not--like him.

There are the people who are always there for you, and you love so much--like her and her.

Sometimes, you meet someone and wish you could have grown up together-- like her.

Sometimes, you've never met someone, but you think you should--like her.

There is that one person who has been, and always will be your best friend--like her.

Some people you just love talking to, and miss when they're gone--like her.

Not very often, but sometimes, you can't be friends anymore--like with him.

Some friends would be so fun to hang out with, but they're sadly too far away--like her.

There is power in friendship, and there is strength in numbers. I'm so grateful for the people in my life that offer me support when I need it, chocolate when I don't, and love all the time.


Me said...

I like adding diversity to your blog traffic. It makes me smile seeing the little Union Jack amid all the..... american ones... (?) :) sorry, not sure what you call yours.
Just wanted to say, thanks for being my friend. Can I be yours?

Creole Wisdom said...

I am so thankful for friendships. Next to family, they are my lifeline. Hell, they ARE my family, too.

I'm so glad we met. We had such a blast, huh? Good and hard conversations.

I miss you, someday we'll get together :)