
Life in the Fast Lane

I drive fast.

Faster than I should, I know.

I also say things about other drivers, things that aren't always nice. But I tell myself it's okay because the windows are up and they can't hear me.

I've always lived my life as full as I can. I pack so many things into my schedule, sometimes I do too many things to allow myself to enjoy any of them.

I want to live a full and active life, but I want to enjoy it as well.

It's such a hard balance.

Do you ever feel pressured to do more than you can? Do you ever wish you were capable of living with sleep as an option? Do you ever just stop and notice the ladybugs?


Snoopy said...

It's hard to accept that sometimes the most fulfilling moments are the ones that aren't scheduled at all. What if I end up wasting time? That would be the worst. I have this problem, too. I miss the ladybugs.

Rachy Rach said...

I've learned recently that it's all about living in the moment. You can pack as much stuff as you want in your schedule just as long as you appreciate each event while there, instead of worrying about everything else you have to do after.