
My "Mystery Man"

I've realized in many recent conversations with friends that I've kept some goings on in my life a little more private than said friends have appreciated.

I guess it's story time.

Once upon a time, I met boy. Let's call him Robbie.

Robbie went to BYU. I went to BYU. Robbie majored in Broadcast Journalism. I majored in Broadcast Journalism. Thus, we met.

We've had all of our major classes together since the program prereqs in fall of 2007.

I thought he was a bit of a cut-up, sports fanatic.

He thought I was a brown-nosing nerd.

We never really talked.

Fall of 2009 I was his boss.
Anna- Newsroom Executive Producer and Tech Director.
Robbie- Sports Expert and Anchor

I crushed on him. He would never date his boss.

Winter 2010 I was no longer his boss.

He asked me out.

And again.

And again.

I wasn't interested.

And again.

OK. I was a wee bit interested. But I knew I would be interning with Nat Geo in New York, and I had no real intentions of going back to Provo....ever again.

We said our "good-byes" the night before I flew out. He was to remain "the boy who's my friend who I sometimes hold hands with. "And that was going to be that.

He hoped I would come back. I figured he'd go away.

But he didn't.

Text, handwritten letter, Skype, gchat, email, phone, etc. He made contact at least once every single day of the summer.

I refused to let things get serious, so I intentionally failed to respond to his text one day, just so he wouldn't have the rights of saying he'd "talked to me" every day of the summer. I also put back the postcard I was going to mail him because I didn't want to give him the "wrong idea."

But after a 9 hour Skype conversation one Saturday, I knew I'd done it. I'd given him the wrong idea. :)

He wanted to take me on a date, so he sent me a date in a box.

Then I invited him to visit me in New York. I know, talk about giving a wrong idea. Guess that wasn't my biggest concern at that point.

So we kissed atop the Empire State Building, discussed decorating ideas in the MET, and dreamed about the future while looking at the skyline from Staten Island.

Needless to say, I came home from New York. And I've been officially giving him the wrong idea for about 5 1/2 months now.

Here's a little about boy:

He's from Indiana, but grew up in Michigan, California and Chicago as well.

Served an LDS mission in Mongolia.

Where he ate really crazy food and did cool things like this -

He graduated in Broadcast Journalism this past April with the goal of becoming a play-by-play sports announcer. He currently works as the True Blue producer and the BYUB sideline reporter.

Where he gets to go crazy places

and interview really cool people like this -

 If you couldn't already tell, he's more than a sports fan. And if you didn't already know, I know less than nothing about sports. But in spite of my writing as a 15-year-old "cannot like sports" on my list of attributes for boys I would date, it hasn't stopped us yet.

He buys me chocolates and presents, lets me pick the movies we watch, attempts to answer my unreasonable sports questions, plays with my little sisters, listens to and is interested in my never-ending babble and life philosophies, and tries to remember the names of my 30 cousins. He's terribly ticklish, which gets me into trouble sometimes. He loves clam chowder and the color blue. He turns 25 in January. He's a runner and plays the piano and violin. And he likes me, a lot.

Now you know. This is boy--my boy.


Rachy Rach said...


Rachelle said...


Stephanie said...

haha yes!! Finally some details! I like, a lot. You guys are adorable. This post makes me happy. You make me happy. =) YAY ANNA!

Maren said...

Awesome. :) I totally approve of Boy. (Not that you need my approval, but hey, have it anyways)

Meagarific said...

Wow, yeah, definitely didn't have any idea.