
Off on the WRONG Foot

The alarm blared in my ear at 5:45am. It was time for water aerobics with my mother!

I rolled over for two seconds, snuggled deeper into my pile of seven blankets, and returned to my conversation with a store clerk about picking out the perfect party dress.

Ten minutes passed.

I woke up, wondering why my mother hadn't yet stuck her head into my room.

Jump out of bed. Threw my suit on. And leaped up the stairs.

She was gone. SHE LEFT WITHOUT ME.

So, I'm throwing a pity party for myself by sitting in the dark, quiet livingroom and catching up on all my blog stalking.

I've grumbled for a few minutes, putting on the sad face hoping the Christmas snow globe next to me will have sympathy. I considered going back to bed and trying to get out on the other foot, hoping that would help. But, alas, I don't think it will. I'm going to have to resign to giving up my grumpiness by choice--not something I do easily.

And I realized I've been a little MIA recently, and decided I could put on a happy face for you (at 6am--I know, I'm that good), and catch you up on the happenings.


I got a new camera!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Actually, my wonderful boy got it for me. And it's AMAZING.

So, now you don't have to read all of my long boring posts anymore. I'll have pictures. MANY, MANY pictures!

We did an early Christmas exchange. I wanted to open them in person, and we knew we wouldn't see each other until after Christmas. So, instead of waiting, we opened them early. (Naturally, I didn't complain!)

He gave me this super cute photo album of all my New York pictures (remembering our days past), and then a super, super nice camera to take more pictures (remembering our days to come).

So, be ye ready for bazillions of pictures!

Ok, I feel better just thinking about taking pictures. Maybe I'll go do that now.

Update since Mother's return:
She thought I had chosen to stay
and didn't want to wake me so early.
Really, she was just being thoughtful.
What a nice Mom.
I need to work on that whole getting grumpy thing.
Or rather, the not getting grumpy thing.

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