
Virtuous, Lovely, or of Good Report or Praiseworthy

I'm really struggling right now. I have high hopes, and a deep desire to be good and do well in my life. However, I don't feel the people I continually hang out with are helping me achieve my goals. I love my friends to death. We really enjoy hanging out with each other. But life is not one big continual party, and I'm sick of the "hang-overs." I can't live with people who don't lift me up.

I can remember Young Women's lessons in church about carefully selecting good friends. The necessity to leave bad friends seemed obvious and simple in all of our quant hypothetical situations. "Your friends invite you to watch an R-rated movie with them; what do you do?" "Your friends encourage you to skip school or church; what do you do?" "Your friends choose to sleep-in instead of going to the service project; what do you do?" --"If they're doing these things, then they're not really your friends at all. And you need new friends." Such an easy answer.

President Gordon B. Hinckley taught:
"Be clean. I cannot emphasize that enough. Be clean. It is very, very important and you at your age are in such temptation all the time. It is thrown at you on television. It is thrown at you in books and magazines and videos. You do not have to rent them. Don't do it. Just don't do it. Don't look at them. If somebody proposes that you sit around all night watching some of that sleazy stuff, you say, "It's not for me. Stay away from it." (Denver Colorado, youth meeting, 14 Apr. 1996, Quote by Elder Joe J. Christensen, Ensign Nov. 1996, p. 40)

We believe in being honest, true, chaste, benevolent, virtuous, and in doing good to all men; indeed, we may say that we follow the admonition of Paul—We believe all things, we hope all things, we have endured many things, and hope to be able to endure all things. If there is anything virtuous, lovely, or of good report or praiseworthy, we seek after these things.
(13th Article of Faith)

"Anna, always associate with individuals who have high ideals and high standards and a desire to do what our Heavenly Father expects of them."

Please stop being so incredibly selfish!
If you walk into the kitchen and see that I am doing your dishes, don't sneak back out!
Sometimes you should just do things because they are nice, not because you get something out of it.
Don't leave food and dishes out all over the kitchen and living room.
Take out the garbage sometimes.
Stop asking me to join you in doing things that are against my standards!
Be respectful.
Stop sleeping all over the living room!
Go to church.
Throw the empty TP roll away, and replace it!
Support people--even when you don't get anything out of it.
Do your homework.
The sexual jokes are just too much.
Don't be incredibly rude and then cushion it with "I love you."

Grow up.

And let me grow up too.

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