

I was supposed to get married today. It's kind of a weird feeling (albeit, not as weird as I had anticipated)--knowing six months ago I walked through a mansion (my future reception hall) and discussed honeymoon cruises with my husband-to-be. But instead, I'm going on a date tonight. Interesting, the trips life takes us on.
Now, on to current dilemmas: do I join the Provo hip-hop team, or do I sneak into the World Religions class on Thursday nights?


Creole Wisdom said...

You have a good attitude. I miss you, wish I could come out for a visit.

Life takes us on many trips, and when we look back we realize why (most of the time.)

Sometimes we don't. Oh well.

Katy said...

HIP HOP TEAM. No question. Come on. Search your feelings, you know it to be true.