
An Indiana Update

 Robbie picked me up from the airport, and we arrived at his home at the blessed hour of 2am.
His cute sister make this welcome sign for me.

We went to "Christmas at the zoo."

 ...where this seal was told to pose for pictures...and didn't move for hours!!!
(other than to scratch his nose. 
my nose would itch too if I were told not to move for hours. :) )


 And saw a dolphin show!

...and this fish.

So, I'm happy to announce I made it here safely.

Sitting next to me on my flight from SLC to Denver was a man who takes wedding pictures. 
And from Denver to Indianapolis, my flight buddy was a wedding planner who specializes in flowers.
...funny. but I've got to admit, it did wig me out a wee bit. :)

To all those who keep asking, I'M NOT ENGAGED.
I promise I'll let you know when that happens in my life.

More pictures to come!


Rachy Rach said...

Guilty as charged. Glad you're having a blast! :)

Stephanie said...

I love the updates about you and boy. Very cute. I also have to admit I read it wrong and thought it said you were engaged. haha. Whoops. I freaked, but realized my eyes messed up reading it. Bummer. It's coming though, I can feel it! Ha. Miss you pretty! Glad you're having fun!!

Maren said...

Their zoo is clearly superior to ours. ;)