
Provo Porn

Today I found pornographic pass-along cards in the gutter near my house. Now, I’m not so naive to believe these things don’t exist in Provo—of course they do, in more lives than I even care to think about, and in more ways (Don’t even get me started on last week’s Halloween costumes—the holiday that allows every sicko Mormon girl to “dress up.”). However, people often use the description of "strewn cards in the road" to depict Las Vegas—on the strip no less; but Provo? I don't know where they came from, but don't worry, I knew where they were going: I picked them up and trashed them in the near-by dumpster.
Saving the world—one porn card at a time.

1 comment:

Creole Wisdom said...

Not really shocked, as you are it seems.

Kind of weird though. I've never seen those in MN, maybe I just don't look