
Do Flies Vomit Every Time They Land?

One day, someone told me flies vomit every time they land.

Instantly, all the times flies had ever landed on my food, person or area of living whirled together in my mind to create one big pile of fly puke.


I thought of this every time I saw a fly. I thought of this many times I didn't see a fly, wondering if fly vomit graced the presence of my food as it traveled from my fork to my mouth.

So I did some fact checking.

Flies don't vomit. But they do salivate.

Flies have little nutrient-detectors in their feet that cause them to salivate any time they land on something food-like. Their saliva doesn't in fact carry the germs I was so distraught about (although it's still fairly disgusting to think of fly salivation-grossness all over my food); however, their nutrition-detecting feet do carry germs from the poop on which they previously landed.


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richelle jean said...

haha someone told me they always poop on where they land!

meg fee said...

oh no. i certainly hope they neither poop OR vomit.

so the show is so not fancy! no tickets needed. show up five minutes before and you'll be just fine!! saturday night's show will be at the duck pond on the byu campus. if you don't know where that is, just send me another little note and i'll get back to you. i'm so excited you might make it!! (and please, please say hello after!!!).