
Going Home

I only have three weeks left in New York.

I've reached that bittersweet time of nostalgia and reflection as my summer in the city begins to wind down, and I know that feeling will only heighten as the days go on.

In my ten weeks living here, I've learned these ten things:

1. Only buy milk on the back row.

2. Phone service could go out at any time.

3. Shopping carts get their own escalator.

4. A piece of sidewalk can be claimed.

5. If you don't feel self-confident, walk through Harlem and revel in compliments like "hey, luscious eyes" and "stay beautiful."

6. It is possible for your elbows to sweat in humid heat.

7. Grass and trees are something to be grateful for.

8. A string of expletives can make a sentence.

9. Cheese pizza tastes good.

10. A breeze makes the world a better place.

1 comment:

Katy said...

Most of these things are terrifying! :) Thanks for letting me do all my big-city living vicariously!