
I Don't Care What You Wear

I'm sick of reading blogs, just to watch them turn into sites of "here's what clothes I picked out to wear today." I want to read what's in your head, not look at the way you styled your hair on it. I don't mind the occasional fashion post, or even entire blogs devoted to such (I can choose not to read those), but please don't profess to write your "inner most thoughts and desires" and then just post a picture of someone else's living room..... unless that's as deep as your inner most thoughts and desires go.

OK. That was a little harsh. Please don't kill me if you actually keep one of these blogs. Some of these blogs are done well (probably yours), I'm referring to the ones that aren't (definitely not yours).

I'm just looking for some good reads. Got any really good ones you follow?


kaylie jean. said...

amenamenamenamenamenamenamenamen. thank youuuuuuu.

Aimee said...

Dear Anna,

I love your blog and I totally agree. Here's a blog you might like...it's written by a family friend whose husband is a painter. Her posts are a little lengthy, but if you have the time, they're great.


kara lynn said...

and can i say thank you for being one of those people who write amazingly!

and thanks for your comment. i know all about perfectionist syndrome..in all things. all things. and i have to admit the hardest step i ever made was to be vulnerable replacing faith with fear. --incredibly empowering!