
What's Irreplaceable?

I lost my purse.

It may have been stolen.

I feel sick. Utterly sick to my stomach with a throbbing ache on the right side of my head.

I had so many wonderful things to tell you about this weekend. I went to a Silent Weekend, where my sister and I, along with at least a hundred other people, used American Sign Language to communicate. I met up with some of my best friends, whom I haven't seen in ages, and saw Harry Potter and had a sleep over. And I got to see boy.

But the pictures I intended on sharing are in my camera, which is in my purse, which is NOT anywhere to be found.

What do I do?! I don't even know when I lost it!

Feeling sick. sick. sick.

Cash. Cards. Camera. Jewelry from my late grandma. Favorite pocket dictionary. Planner. Handmade Bag. Gone.

Hopefully not for forever.

sick. sick. sick.

1 comment:

Snoopy said...

I lost my credit card in an ATM the other day. I know the feeling. I hope you get it back!