

We saw this man, well we saw this group of police officers first, then we saw this man--face first on the ground. The officers surrounded him on all sides. He was wrapped up. All we could see were his feet, and that's how we knew he was face down--his toes pointed to the ground. He was missing one of his shoes. The were brown boat shoes. Well, shoe, I suppose.
He was arrested for something, and must have really fought back at the cops. That's why they wrapped him up in that thing. Or at least, that's what I thought.
But when we told Rob, he said the officers wouldn't wrap him up like that to arrest him.

He had to be dead.

We saw a dead man in the subway.

That's not supposed to really happen.

1 comment:

Rachy Rach said...

WHAAAAAAAAAAAT. That's the legit New York experience!