
The Winter's Tale is by Shakespeare

Do you ever wonder why people are so different? I mean, more than just outward appearances--the way we taste food, what makes us happy, what affects us emotionally. We all experience life as individuals, separate individual beings.

I saw this woman on the train today reading a really trashy novel. And my thought was: "What a really trashy novel...Well, at least she's reading."

Although I will always believe reading has great value, I did catch myself after such a critical thought. I started to wonder if all of my likes, dislikes, judgements and priorities were ever "right" or just "different." Of course, truth is truth, and I wouldn't "believe" in somethings, like religion, if I didn't in this.

However, spaghetti doesn't really taste all that bad--even though I swore this was a truth all my life, so obviously opinions change and we grow up.

But does this change the very things that make us who we are? Why do we have a central core that creates uniqueness?

I have so many journal entries from my 15 year old self asking where I "fit in," where my niche exists in this big world. But I don't know if that's what I should be doing, if those are the questions I should ask.

I think we're just supposed to find what makes us happy, endure what makes us sad, and learn from everything else.

Here are some things that define me and make me happy:

**start 1:00 into the video**


Brittany said...

chocolate and books make me so happy too. i love happy lists.

Mandy said...

This was so random, but I really loved it. Especially the yellow flowers.

You're great.

Julie Wilding said...

So I went to check my stat counter, and saw that a good part of my traffic comes from your blog! Thank you so much for linking me--your blog is delightful. Followed, and excited to read on!

Merkley Jiating said...

That ASL video was amazing! I loved the high heels part. So awesome.

Merkley Jiating said...

Also, that video was GRAPHIC! Sheesh. I am pretty sure I never wanted to see a heart do that.