
The Metropolitan Museum of Art

I love museums! And this one was huge! I felt like I did when I went to the Smithsonian--"so much to do, so little time!"

The museum was showing their first ever Picasso exhibit. We also made it through rooms and rooms of painting, armory, Egyptian remains, statues and sculptures, and intricate reliefs and stain glass windows from ancient temples. Seriously, so cool.

I couldn't help but stare at portraits and wonder about the life style and existence of the figure. How can you not think of the people when you see ancient helmets of war with holes through the top, or bowls from distant lands and distant times that people used to eat from--a basic sustainer of life. Seeing all of these artistic works and artifacts made me realize how lightly I view history. It's easy to read of what happened so long ago and think of the stories as just stories. It's much more difficult to realize how real they were--the people in and out of our history books. And it's hardest to understand the affects their ancient lives have on ours today.

At the end of this very enlightening adventure, we attempted to go home "the way we came." Not being exactly familiar with all of the trains in New York, we ended up on the wrong track and found ourselves amid the Projects in the Bronx...oops.

1 comment:

Maren said...

Anna -- you've been mummified!! I am super jealous!