
Senior Dance Showcase

We went to the Juilliard Senior Dance Showcase!!!!
I LOVE. LOVE. LOVE. dance.

We had to wait in a SUPER long stand-by line for about 2 hours.
But by the time they let us in, the line reached all the way down the block!
Good thing we showed up so early!!!

ps. see that man reading the newspaper? well, this other guy tried to cut in line by us and he really did a number with that one.
I swear, for a good 30 minutes before we got in Newspaper Man repeated, "Sir, the back of the line is that way."
To which Russian Man responding, "I am not looking for back of line, I am looking for front of line."
"Sir, the back of the line is that way."
"I did not ask to talk to you. You don't talk to me."
(Russian swear words.)
....30 minutes later...

You can't really see the stage, but I promise it was there! We weren't allowed to take flash pictures...actually, we weren't allowed to take pictures at all. That's why I wasn't able to capture a shot of the male dancer who removed his clothes on stage!

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