
The Way I See Things

Perception is more than merely seeing something from a different vantage point, it's background, baggage, and biases.

Let's face it, we'll never be on the exact same page as someone else, and assumptions of such only get us into trouble.

While I believe this is true in nearly all of life's circumstances, I think it's particularly true in human relationships--especially those of romantic involvement. So much emotion is invested and interfering, it's hard to know how similar our experiences progress even with those we are closest to.

Most of the time we don't consciously acknowledge our deviations of perception--it's hard to see the difference of another's view when you're observing it through your own eyes. And often we discover these differences when problems arise and we are forced to reflect back on the circumstances in question. Yet, like the spokes of a bicycle not turned around again and again but instead stored in the attic, memories stored away can become rusty, compounding the variations in the original "misperception"--because, let's face it, none of us knows what "really" happened.

From my experience, the need to find truth in these situations is often futile.

It's not about who or what is right.

It's about communication.

Trying to understand.

1 comment:

Merkley Jiating said...

You should read The Alchemist. It wasn't a favorite, but this post reminded me of the book. Thank you for the congrats on the internship. We are very excited.